Live Webinar including Q and A with Amie Baker
At some point in the future you will be drawing a TAX free income from this very investment strategy so why not ensure it is bursting at the seams with well invested hard earned CASH! If I were to tell you there was a way where you could increase your wealth and get a tax deduction would you do it?

Many of us overlook the long term strategy of wealth creation with our Super – yes boring old superannuation, however this nifty account your employer (or yourself if you are self-employed) pays 10% of your salary toward it makes this one the greatest assets you own… think about it…. The more you put into it now the better you will be off in the future. Good news is if you have not taken advantage of your annual contributions this year – or in fact the past 5 years you can! I have more of these cool strategies up my sleeve in this one-off FREE event – don’t miss out. Register today
Tuesday the 14th of June
8.00pm AEDT